FISTS Summer Sunday Sprint 2023 Results
Aug 20, 2023

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QRO Category

Call	Name	State	Fists #	  Mem	Non-Mem	  Points  Mults	  Score

WB9HFK  Mark      IL     7606     11       5        65     10      650
K6DF    Dennis    CA     3076      4       5        30      6      180
N6IV    Mark      CA     4056      5       1        27      5      135
KE4QZB	Brian	  NC	 1934	   1	   2	     9	    2	    18
KA5VZG  Alan      TN    15363      1       2         9      2       18
5B4AHO  Baz       AS    10851      1       0         5      1        5
K5YQF   Cecil     TX     8077      1       0         5      1        5


QRP Category

Call	Name	State	Fists #	  Mem	Non-Mem   Points  Mults   Score

No Logs Received


Club Category

Call	Name	State	Fists #	  Mem	Non-Mem   Points  Mults   Score

No Logs Received


SOAPBOX . . . Call


Better band condx this Sprint. Nice to work some FISTS  members. Tnx to all
stations for participating. 73 to all, Dennis K6DF


Enjoyed the Sunday Sprint! Only had an hour free to operate before work, but
I like the flexibility the new 24-hour schedule offers! Missed the Saturday
Sprint after a storm knocked our antenna down. Got to test out our new and
improved 135' end-fed long wire at 50ft, thanks to my sharp shooting wife who
precisely aimed the potato gun at the best (highest) tree branch-- she got it
the first time !! Better than I would have done! hi Hope conditions will be
better for the Fall Sprint !! 73 Brian KE4QZB


Just rejoined FISTS....1st effort, only one contact but thought would put log
in anyway. Couldn't find anybody despite listening and calling for quite long
periods. Well done everyone, see you next time!  73 de Baz 5B4AHO


Sorry I've missed so many sprints this year. But managed 1 this afternoon.
Turned into a 45 min ragchew.

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