FISTS Summer Sunday Sprint 2024 Results
Aug 18, 2024

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QRO Category

Call	Name	State	Fists #	  Mem	Non-Mem	  Points  Mults	  Bonus  Score

WB0CJB  Paul      TN    12460      19      14       123     17     250    2341
WB9HFK  Mark      IL     7606       9      11        67     12       0     804
K6DF    Dennis    CA     3076       3       8        31     10       0     310
KE4QZB  Brian     NC     1934       1       2         9      3       0      27


QRP Category

Call	Name	State	Fists #	  Mem	Non-Mem   Points  Mults   Bonus  Score

KI4DEF  Kevin     NC    10620       1       0         5      1       0      5


Club Category

Call	Name	State	Fists #	  Mem	Non-Mem   Points  Mults   Bonus  Score

No Logs Received


SOAPBOX . . . Call


Hello FISTS! Enjoyed firing up my Vintage Viking Adventurer transmitter crystal
controlled, with a Hallicrafters SX40 receiver. Made 3 contacts in under an hour
and was pleased with the results of the new wire antenna (thanks to the XYL's
(KX4ASH) help with her sharp shooting skills to get the rope over the right branch!
Hope to see you all in the Fall! Thanks for the fun, very 73. Brian KE4QZB #1934 


Thanks to everyone who took the time to give me a contact. Looking forward to the
future sprints and seeing more FISTS members on the air.


Thanks to all for the QSO's and a fun day.  73, Dennis K6DF


I was operating /p from my "backyard shack," a partially-restored 1970 VW camper,
set up for the NJ QRP Skeeter Hunt. Rig was a Mountain Topper (MTR3b) powered by
8AA rechargeable batteries feeding an end-fed wire up about 30 ft in a pine tree.
72/73, Kevin KI4DEF


Thanks to everyone who took the time to give me a contact. Looking forward to the
future sprints and seeing more FISTS members on the air. Paul WB0CJB

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