-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QRO Category Call Name State Fists # Mem Non-Mem Points Bonus Multi Score WB9HFK Mark IL 7606 16 19 118 250 22 2846 WB0CJB Paul TN 12460 24 6 132 250 15 2230 WB7UOF Walt AZ 22868 4 11 42 0 11 462 KA5VZG Alan TN 15363 3 4 23 0 7 161 N5TML Tim TX 21761 3 2 19 0 5 95 K6DF Dennis CA 3076 2 4 18 0 5 90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Club Category Call Name State Fists # Mem Non-Mem Points Mults Score No Logs Received -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QRP Category Call Name State Fists # Mem Non-Mem Points Bonus Multi Score KI4DEF Kevin NC 10620 1 2 9 0 3 27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOAPBOX . . . Call Comments KI4DEF Nothing heard on 80/40/20m early on, but good high band propagation later in day. Only 1 FISTS QSO, others were SOTA and SKCC WES. Rig was K2 @ 1W to 44 ft doublet up 35 ft. Hope to hear you next time! 72, Kevin KI4DEF (FISTS #10620) WB0CJB The RTTY contest wiped out any use of 40M on Friday night so I had to go to 80M. On Saturday the SKCC WES gave me a little competition with some stations giving me their SKCC number. I did hear one station calling "CQ FISTS/WES" which is a good way to rack up QSOs in both events. Now if N1MM+ only had a way to also enter in the SKCC #... (besides putting the info in the comment line). All in all it was a good sprint and looking forward to next weekend and maybe a little less crowded on 40M Saturday night. 73 de Paul WB0CJB WB7UOF First FISTS Sprint for me. It was fun to make the contacts.