FISTS Spring Sunday Sprint 2024 Results
May 19, 2024

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QRO Category

Call	Name	State	Fists #	  Mem	Non-Mem	  Points  Mults   Bonus   Score

WB9HFK  Mark      IL     7606       9      16        77     15     250     1405
KA8HFN  Larry     OH    11631       4       0        20      3       0       60
K6DF    Dennis    CA     3076       2       3        16      3       0       48


Club Category

Call	Name	State	Fists #	  Mem	Non-Mem   Points  Mults   Bonus   Score

No Logs Received


QRP Category

Call	Name	State	Fists #	   Mem	Non-Mem   Points  Mults   Bonus   Score

KI4DEF	Kevin	  NC	 10620	    2	   3	    16	    5	    0	    80
KC5JEV	Eric	  UT	  1441	    0	   1	     2	    1	    0	     2


SOAPBOX . . . Call


All QSOs were 20m QRP or QRPp; nothing heard on 40m or 15m. Band conditions good
early--caught David VK3DBD (FISTS #3756) using NorCal Sierra on LiFePO4 @ 0.5W to
doublet (19.9K mpw)--but degraded to fair-poor later so switched to higher power
rigs (MTR3b on 8AA @ 2W to EFHW in VW bus, and Elecraft K1 on LiFePO4 @ 5W to
doublet). Only 2 FISTS members contacted; remaining three QSOs all POTA. Hope
others did better: Mark WB8HFK (FISTS #7606) seemed to be doing land office
business! 72, Kevin KI4DEF (FISTS #10620)


Thank you and please keep the Sprints going - tough band conditions - Eric KC5JEV


Worked a few QSO's on 40 meters during the very early morning hours.  Band noise
on 40 was a solid S-5.  Thanks to all for the QSO's.  73 Dennis K6DF

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