FISTS Winter Slow Sprint 2016 Results

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QRO Category

Call		Name	State	Fists #	  Mem	Non-Mem	  Points  Mults	  Score

AF0E		Alex	 CO	13566	  50	   8	   266	   23	  6118
K5YQF		Cecil	 TX	 8077	  14	   5	    80	   17	  1360
K9AAA/4		Dave	 FL	 5058	   9	   1	    47	    9	   423
K2HT		Dick	 MO	11565	   7	   1	    37	    7	   259
EA8/HB9FIH	Erich	 DX	16938	   5	   0	    25	    5	   125
N5XGG		Joe	 TX	 9974	   4	   0  	    20	    4	    80
WS9E		Joe	 WI	 6791	   4	   0	    20	    4	    80


Club Category

Call	Name	State	Fists #	  Mem	Non-Mem   Points  Mults   Score

KN0WCW	Cody	  NJ	10000	   13	   3	     71	     12	    852


QRP Category

Call	  Name	State	Fists #	  Mem	Non-Mem   Points  Mults   Score

W2FAM	  Phil	 NY	12650	   21	   3	    111	    17	    1887
K3JZD	  Jody	 PA	17513	   17	   3	     91	    12	    1092
W1WQG	  Bruce	 CT	13876	    2	   1	     12	     3	      36


SOAPBOX . . . Call

Ran QRP.  Very poor conditions.

Was pretty lonely on 15m and 20m.  Conditions were fair on 40m.
Used a Softrock RXTX and a small QRP amp to obtain 5 watts.

I worked with 13 wpm but too slow, if QSB no chance for a slow QSO.
16 much better but as maximal and all with more should be disqualified.

I wish I heard more FISTS on the air.  Lots of QRM from other contests.
However, always lots of fun!.

Just renewed membership last fall.  Have not been on radio the last 2 years.
Doesn't seem to be as much Fists activity as observed a few years ago.
Hope to participate more this year!

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