Dayton 2017

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Dayton Sign

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Many thanks to the following FISTS Booth volunteers for helping to make the booth a success this year.

Larry KA8HFN
Susan SWL-42
Carol K2VS
Henry WD8Q
Steve N1SG
Randy W2RAN
Jamie WW3S

These volunteers did an excellent job signing up new members
as well as renewing many of our current members.

Thank you for your time and effort to help to run the FISTS booth at Dayton in 2017.

A special "Thank You" to Will Dix KF4IZE, our FISTS Store Manager, for sending the store
items for sale in the FISTS Booth.

Once again, Larry KA8HFN our official QLF examiner, was busy testing candidates to receive
our QLF Award certificate. QLF members are listed on the FISTS QLF membership roster.
Thank You Larry, another job well done!

73, Tim, AC5SH
FISTS Americas Chapter President

2017 Dayton Photos

Setup Day Dayton 2017     This was how Dayton setup day started out. Very high winds and torrential downpours.

To show how strong the winds were, take a look at the 1,225 pound block of cement in the rear of the photo tilted over into the adjoining tent!

Henry and Larry
Setup crew waiting for coffee and donuts, left to right Henry WD8Q and Larry KA8HFN.

Larry KA8HFN, Henry WD8Q, Sue SWL-42, and Ray WB4ZDU
Working the booth left to right Larry KA8HFN, Henry WD8Q, Sue SWL-42, and Ray WB4ZDU.

Begali Blade Key
Left to right, Larry KA8HFN, Tim AC5SH holding the Begali Blade Key, and P. Begali I2RTF.
This was the Begali Blade Key that was used for the "Booth Drawing" for those hams that
made QSO's from the KNØWCW station setup in the FISTS booth.

Antenna used for the KNØWCW
ham station in the booth.
Antenna for KN0WCW

Al W8FAX operating KNØWCW with the Begali key.
Al W8FAX operating the KNØWCW station with the Begali Blade key.

Three keys for Dayton Drawings 2017.
Dayton 2017 Keys given away by drawing left to right,
Vibroplex Standard Vibrokeyer, Begali Blade, and Vibroplex Standard Iambic.

Key Winners List

Vibroplex Standard Vibrokeyer - N8VV Dan Hardy

Begali Blade Straight Key - K2VS Carol Wright

Vibroplex Standard Iambic - KI4EZC Fred Hamby Dan Hardy

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