The International Morse Preservation Society The International Morse Preservation Society Key

The Americas Chapter - North, Central, South, and The Islands


Please DO NOT send your membership request using OUTLOOK.COM.
We have received several email membership requests that we cannot reply back to.

If you are using and it is not set up properly your email will have a
reply address sent with your email like the one below.

This type of email address does not allow a reply to be sent back to you, it will bounce back as:

"Action: Failed - Mailbox Unavailable"

Please send your membership request using something other than, use a
standard email address so we can reply back to you with your member number and
password. All membership requests are answered within one day.
If you use and have not heard back from us this may be why.
Here is the Microsoft Workaround Link to fix the problem.

Thank You.

  * * * SPRINT - NOTICE * * *  

Whereas our general membership keeps increasing, the participation in our Sprints keeps
diminishing. It appears the membership is no longer interested in Sprint activities.
If there is no increase in participation for the remaining Sprints of 2024,
all future Sprints will be cancelled on Jan 1, 2025.

Thanks to all who participate in the Sprints !


ONLY for "Americas Chapter New Members" Joining March 1, 2019 and after . . .

New Members can earn a free FISTS CW Club cloth patch by doing the following:

FISTS Key Patch

Make "ONE 10 minute CW QSO" with "ONE" FISTS Member on
any amateur "radio" band, after your Join Date.

We encourage you to use the FISTS calling frequencies. Calling Freqs listed HERE.

Report the required QSO data to the FISTS Awards Manager at:

He will mail your FISTS CW Club patch to you.

Required data:
Date, UTC Start and End Times, Freq, Mode, Call, Name, and FISTS Nr of the station contacted.

Remember to also send your name, call, and mailing address.

(Club call signs not eligible.)

 *** September 2024 Keynote *** 

*** NOTE *** The September 2024 Keynote is now available in the Members Area only.
This current newsletter will be made available to the public when the December 2024 issue is published.

The June 2024 issue is now available to the public under the Newsletters menu above.

The "Cut-Off" date for articles to get into the Dec 2024 Keynote issue will be Nov 15th.
Send your articles and photos to the email address.

Use the Keynote Writer's Guide to help you write your Keynote article.


* * *    If you wish to join FISTS "Americas Chapter" as a "New Member", you will receive a lifetime DUES FREE membership which includes downloaded newsletters ONLY.

Those who are eligible to join FISTS "Americas Chapter" are those living in countries of North, Central, and South America and the associated Islands.

To receive your FISTS membership number send an e-mail with your
Call, Name, Current Mailing Address, and (Telephone Nr. - optional)
Dennis K6DF, FISTS Membership Manager at

CURRENT Americas Chapter Members,
Your current "Americas Chapter" membership has changed to a "Lifetime" membership with no dues and on-line newsletters ONLY.

 All Sprint Results 

Are now available in the ARCHIVES page.
Aug 18, 2024 Sprint Results
Are Available HERE

 What is FISTS? 

FISTS is a well established and recognized CW (Morse Code) organization in the world of amateur radio. Founded in 1987 by Geo Longden, G3ZQS, it now has a world-wide membership in the thousands and growing daily.

What FISTS wants to accomplish.

       1. To further the use of CW on the amateur bands.
2. To encourage newcomers to the CW mode.
       3. To engender friendship within the membership.

How FISTS got its name, from our late founder, Geo G3ZQS (Silent Key).

       "I used to be a member of TOPS before it went out. Quote on their banner was "Where FISTS Make Friends". A "FIST", as you know, is nothing more than a CW ops' reference to another ops' keying characteristic. Phil (TOPS founder/sec) was delighted when I told him of the connection though he was later to follow his XYL and his beloved dog, but I will never forget the enthusiasm which came back from his old vibro. 73 de Geo"

There is only one requirement to Join FISTS:

A love of Morse code and a concern for its perpetuation.

* * * JOIN FISTS - membership information! * * *

 Award Certificates 
 Issued ! 

September     2024

Award - Call

14 Million - N4LSJ

15 Million - N4LSJ

16 Million - N4LSJ

17 Million - N4LSJ

18 Million - N4LSJ

19 Million - N4LSJ

20 Million - N4LSJ

21 Million - N4LSJ

22 Million - N4LSJ

23 Million - N4LSJ

24 Million - N4LSJ

Diamond Century - N4LSJ

Perpetual Prefix 100 - W8SCS

Perpetual Prefix 150 - N4LSJ

Worked All States - N4LSJ

 New Members! 

Name        Call        Nr

Americas Chapter

Rex      K1PN	22781
Jim      K7QI	22780
Jim      WT5O	22779
Jake     KW4JAM	22778
Shawn    KJ5HYP	22777
John     KC3SSC	22776
Robert   K6RBI	22775
Mary     KB5SXI	22774
Tom      KB5TBP	22773
Willem   VA2WLM	22772
Mic      KG7M	22771
Tim      AI5BE	22770
Debra    KO6DUT	22769
Trent    KC9UJG	22768

European Chapter
Ivan     G4XWM	22702

Down Under Chapter
Jens     VK4PE	22703

East Asia Chapter

* Both Lists Will Scroll

 FREE - FISTS Log Converter Program 

 !!! IMPORTANT NOTE - May 24, 2023 !!! 

Please update ALL older versions of Log Converter as they will not download
members lists nor send award logs to the Awards Manager properly !

NEW 4.7.3 Version Now Available - July 29, 2024

Check out the FISTS Log Converter program written by Graham G3ZOD.
This is a handy aid for tracking your FISTS Awards
- - - AND (at the click of a button) - - -
It will electronically send your completed award log to the FISTS Awards Manager!

It can also be used as a general logging program.

Best of all - it is FREE ! ! !

Red Line

  Up Coming FISTS Activities !  

G3ZQS George Longden Memorial Event - First Full Weekend in September Each Year

WZ8C Nancy Kott Memorial Event - Third Full Weekend in April Each Year

European Chapter Activities - Special Operating Events for 2024

FISTS Fall Saturday Sprint - 0000 - 2359 UTC, Saturday Nov 9, 2024

FISTS Fall Sunday Sprint - 0000 - 2359 UTC, Sunday Nov 17, 2024

Red Line

FISTS Americas Chapter Call or Number Search.
U.S. Navy Wedge Key
The Americas Chapter FISTS Search

The Americas Chapter member roster is updated each weekday.

Now in our 37th year promoting Morse Code 1987 - 2024
Accuracy Transcends Speed - Courtesy At All Times

      Website Suggestions and Corrections to

Page Last Updated - Sep 2, 2024 at 2:11 PDT