FISTS Log Converter

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Download a free copy of FISTS Log Converter 4.8.6  New as of Mar 8, 2025!!

*** Important***

If installing on Windows 10, see this note.            If using Avast, see this note.

Would you like to see at a glance how close you are to achieving FISTS Awards and apply for them to the FISTS Awards Manager with the click of a button? 

Would you like to have an easy to use program that works as a general logbook and tracks your FISTS Awards at the click of a button?

The FISTS Log Converter can help you with this.  You can use it to:

  • Track FISTS Awards and create and submit applications for the Basic Century and other awards.
  • Create scored logs for entering FISTS Activities in Europe such as the Ladder.
  • Create callsign checklists for printing via Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc.
  • In the works, a future version will create scored logs for Sprints and G3ZQS Activities.

If you have an existing logging program, you can export your log to an ADIF file and use FISTS Log Converter to read the logbook entries.

If you don't currently have any logging software, you can use the electronic logbook supplied with FISTS Log Converter to get started right away.

FISTS Log Converter will run on Windows 2000 and later versions of Windows. 

It is "freeware" - there is no charge for it.

Screen snapshots

Click each image below to show larger image.
Snapshot of the list of awards display in the FISTS Log Converter program.  Click for larger image.

List of Awards Progress
Snapshot of the Prefix QSO display in the FISTS Log Converter program.  Click for larger image.

List of QSOs & Prefixes
Snapshot of the logbook in the FISTS Log Converter program.  Click for larger image.


Page Last Updated - Mar 8, 2025 at 9:56 PST

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